Sturgeon must be a protected species as they’re critically endangered now more than ever. From climate change-related habitat deterioration to overfishing and poaching, more conversation efforts need to be made to save this historically vital species.
Sturgeons are ancient freshwater fish that have lived for thousands of years and are part of native cultural traditions. Without them, our freshwater ecosystems and other marine life also risk extinction. But there’s still time to take action to protect and restore them.
Learn why preserving the legacy of sturgeon fish is crucial and how you can become involved.
How Sturgeon Contribute to the Ecosystem
As one of the largest freshwater fish species, sturgeons are vital to several aquaculture ecosystems. Residing in freshwater lakes, rivers, and seas, sturgeon fish are bottom feeders and are recognized as a “barometer of health” because they require clean water to live.
Sturgeons not only play a critical role in the ecological food chain, but they’re also an indicator of how healthy our bodies of water are.
4 Reasons Why Sturgeon Should Be a Protected Species
While sturgeon conservation is crucial for many reasons, here are four reasons why they should be a protected species.
Many Sturgeon Species Are Critically Endangered
Sturgeon isn’t just the most endangered fish, but is also the most endangered species group in the world. With many species categorized as critically endangered, such as North America’s largest freshwater fish, the White sturgeon, and the Alabama sturgeon, they’re on the brink of extinction.
Sturgeon fish are endangered for multiple reasons:
- Unsustainable Sturgeon Caviar Harvesting & Farming: Causes overfishing for non-captive bred sturgeon, especially since sturgeon requires long-term breeding protection because some female species aren’t sexually mature until 20+ years.
- Illegal Fishing & Poaching: Hunts wild sturgeon in critically endangered areas where commercial fishing is banned, contributing to the illegal caviar and sturgeon meat trade.
- Climate Change: Deteriorates sturgeon habitats and causes poor water quality, leading to premature deaths when some species can live up to 100 years.
According to the WWF, two-thirds of sturgeon species are critically endangered, with one species, the Ship sturgeon, confirmed to be extinct. Now is the time to save sturgeon with rapidly declining populations throughout the world.
Sturgeon Maintain Freshwater Ecosystems
Sturgeon acts as a natural water filter by eating decaying organisms and invasive species. They also regulate freshwater ecosystems with biomass production and nutrient cycling to support freshwater ecological processes.
If sturgeon become extinct, it would severely disrupt freshwater rivers, lakes, and seas and negatively impact ecological food chains. Natural marine life depends on sturgeon to prevent the overpopulation of invasive species and ruining freshwater systems that threaten the lives of other aquatic species.
Sturgeon Are Pre-Historic Species
Did you know that sturgeon has been around since the dinosaur ages? If they become extinct, it would be a significant loss as a prehistoric fish species. As one of the largest freshwater fish, they can reach up to 8 meters long and weigh up to 1.5 tons. However, they’re gentle giants, feeding on plankton, invertebrates, and smaller fish.
Current Sturgeon Conservation Laws Need Improvement
Government legislation and sturgeon conservation efforts like the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and illegal sturgeon fishing in critically endangered habitats are helping. However, these laws need more modernization to ensure this species is fully protected.
Freshwater habit deterioration needs restoration to ensure sturgeon can migrate up and downstream to effectively spawn. Sturgeon migrates back and forth to breed but can’t due to lack of water connectivity. Using renewable energy sources can alleviate negative climate change impacts on sturgeon habitats and reduce water pollution.
More government authorities are also needed to monitor banned sturgeon fishing areas, prevent illegal poaching, and end the black market caviar trade that continues today. Media news sources must help educate the public more to encourage donations, volunteer support, and promote activism to change wildlife conservation laws to further protect sturgeon.
Additionally, sturgeon breeding needs more financial support from local governments to stock critically endangered species, as current efforts have shown to revive some populations. It also promotes sustainable farming practices for captive-bred sturgeon.
How You Can Help with Sturgeon Conservation
Although sturgeon populations are rapidly declining, there’s still time to save this important freshwater species. We remain hopeful as current conservation efforts are successfully restoring sturgeon, but more needs to be done. And anyone can get involved.
It’s easy to take action to help sturgeon conservation, and you can be as active or as passive as you like. At the Sturgeon Industry Alliance of America (SIAA), you can simply donate or become a member to support our sturgeon wildlife conservation causes.
Join the Cause: Protect Sturgeon and Other Aquatic Ecosystems With SIAA
Saving sturgeon is more than protecting them from extinction. Without sturgeon, it can ruin freshwater ecosystems that sustain global communities and endanger other aquatic species.
Anyone can make a positive impact in safeguarding sturgeon, even if you don’t have wildlife conservation experience.
Join the cause and become an SIAA member today!