PO Box #5, Little River, SC 29566

The Executive branch has recently released an update to the 2024 Unified Regulatory Agenda which now shows that a listing decision for the Amur Sturgeon and the Ponto Caspian Species will not occur before December 2024.

Aerial view of an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture operation in the ocean

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA): Environmental Benefits, Industry Challenges, & Sustainable Solutions

Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is innovating the future of seafood production. From waste reduction to versatile system access and multiple revenue streams, aquafarms gain various benefits from IMTA production methods. Although multi-trophic aquaculture can be the solution to overfishing, the industry still faces several challenges to ensure responsible farming practices.  Learn more about IMTA, its […]

A person feeding a sturgeon at a breeding facility

Endangered Species Act: Understanding How International & Domestic Laws Affect Sturgeon Conservation

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) has helped protect threatened and endangered wildlife and plants since 1973, including many sturgeon species. However, the ESA needs enhancements to prevent all sturgeon from extinction effectively.  Learn more about the current impacts of the ESA on global sturgeon species and how we can save this vital freshwater fish with […]

An aerial view image of juvenile sturgeon in a breeding facility

What is the Sturgeon Conservation Status in 2024?

What does the sturgeon conservation status look like in 2024? It varies on the geographical region, sturgeon species, and their subpopulations. Some sturgeon species are at higher risk of extinction than others due to various factors, like government regulations, climate change, overfishing, and pollution.  While we can’t list every sturgeon conservation group and effort as […]

An image of a group of wild sturgeon fish

6 Reasons Why Sturgeon Are the Most Endangered Species Group in the World

Did you know that the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF) stated that sturgeon are the most endangered species group in the world? Out of 26 total species, only 11 are left—and the remaining two-thirds remain vulnerable, endangered, and critically endangered.  While sturgeon conservation laws and groups are helping, more must done to prevent this vital species […]

An image of a person holding a sturgeon fish in front of a breeding tank

How to Improve Current Sturgeon Conservation Efforts & Why It’s Needed

Although current sturgeon conservation efforts are making meaningful impacts, more needs to be done to prevent them from extinction. The commercial caviar industry is doubling production, habitats are deteriorating, poaching remains a threat, and wild sturgeon populations are rapidly declining. While they’re still critically endangered, improving sturgeon conservation strategies can protect and repopulate this pre-historic […]

A top view image of two jars of sturgeon caviar on top of a napkin and spoon

The Most Popular Types of Caviar: Exploring Sustainable Caviar Food Trade Practices for Sturgeon Conservation

Did you know sturgeon is the only fish used for many types of caviar? A sturgeon is a large prehistoric fish with habitats in freshwater lakes, seas, and rivers globally. It’s considered a delicacy in the food industry and certain cultural traditions. Sturgeon is the primary caviar source not only for its meat and eggs […]

An image of a group of sturgeon swimming underwater

Why Sturgeon Should Be a Protected Species

Sturgeon must be a protected species as they’re critically endangered now more than ever. From climate change-related habitat deterioration to overfishing and poaching, more conversation efforts need to be made to save this historically vital species.  Sturgeons are ancient freshwater fish that have lived for thousands of years and are part of native cultural traditions. […]

A top view image of a farmer harvesting sturgeon caviar

Sturgeon Caviar: What It Is & Why It’s So Sought After 

Sturgeon caviar is considered a culinary delicacy and is consumed by native cultural traditions. However, the impact of sturgeon fish caviar commercialization has significantly contributed to its critically endangered status due to overharvesting, unsustainable farming practices, and the illegal caviar trade.  With two-thirds of the sturgeon population on the brink of extinction and one species […]

Close up image of a Sturgeon

What Is A Sturgeon?

So, what is a sturgeon exactly, and why does it matter? Sturgeon are fish that are crucial to freshwater ecosystems. They’ve been around since the dinosaur age for over 200 million years and survived extinction. However, the sturgeon population has been rapidly declining in multiple habitat regions globally. From illegal poaching to poor water quality, […]

What is Sturgeon Conservation & Why It’s Needed

Sturgeon conservation is crucial to freshwater ecosystems globally. Sturgeons are prehistoric freshwater fish that have been around since the dinosaur ages. Unfortunately, they have been experiencing a rapid population decline to the point that sturgeons are now an endangered species. Below is an overview of sturgeons, the reasons for their possible extinction, and how you […]